Campus Safety

Campus Safety is staffed 24 hours a day year-round by trained professionals who serve the campus community.

A safe and welcoming campus

Jewell's Campus Safety officers are visible throughout campus, ensuring the safety and security of all members of the Jewell community. Upon request, a night Campus Safety officer will provide rides from any parking lot to any residence hall if a student feels unsafe. Liberty police and fire departments are located in close proximity to campus and offer a fast response time if needed.

Emergency Alert Notification

A mass alert system allows us to quickly communicate in the case of emergencies. The system integrates with our My Jewell database, so you may sign up easily once you have your student account. During Orientation, you will receive information on signing up in addition to several reminders throughout the year as we administer test alerts.

William Jewell is committed to protecting the safety and security of our campus community. Being prepared and knowing where to go is critical because disasters and emergencies can happen at any time. View our Emergency Preparedness Plan.


To anonymously report concerning behavior, please use this form.

Safety Resources and Services

  • Lost and Found

    Found items should be turned in to the Student Life Office, who maintains a log of all lost and found items. After hours, you may turn in found items to Campus Safety, or they can access the log if you're looking for a missing item.

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  • Parking

    All faculty, staff and student cars operated on campus must be registered with the College. For a parking permit, register your car online through your MyJewell account. Temporary permits are available if you need to use an unregistered vehicle for a short time. Student, faculty/staff and guess parking is designated by signage throughout campus. Tickets will be issued for parking violations and fines will be assessed.

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  • Reporting Suspicious Behavior or a Crime

    Campus Safety is the primary department for reporting all incidents/crimes that occur on College property. To report a crime or emergency on campus, call Campus Safety 24 hours a day by dialing 1-4-1-1 from any telephone on campus or 816-365-0709. Emergency phones are distinctively identified by a blue light and are located throughout campus, and elevators are also equipped with emergency phones.

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  • Campus Rides

    Campus Safety is available 24/7 to provide a ride to any student who feels unsafe walking alone on campus. The campus is equipped with Blue Phones to ensure that students are able to reach Campus Safety quickly. The Blue Phones call the on-duty officer directly. Each elevator on campus is also equipped with phones or call buttons that connect directly with the on-duty Campus Safety officer.

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